Biodun Okeowo is just a Yoruba actress and a film producer. She discusses s-éx in the movie world and why women are far more favored than men in a recently available interview.
Many men have come in my experience with money and have said I as you and I do want to sleép with you, and I have turned them down. I have evidences, I told the final person, who used it with me that when he has succeeded with other actresses in the movie industry, he should not test it with me because, even when I am hungry, I know what direction to go to place food on my table. I won't resort to pró-stitution or doing runs. I am not bragging but I have proved it severally.
If you head to any the main world, you will realise that women are far more favored than men. The truth is that a woman can leave her house without money and keep coming back with cash and it doesn't mean she's rubbished herself. The truth is that when you yourself have the favor of God, things will continue to work out well for you. The person, who would like to sleép with you but hasn't succeeded, will still continue to complete things for you, despite the fact that you've refused currently him. The opportunity I just described is not often available to men.